An Author's Anthem...
Not a day goes by that at least one author friend fails to mention their despair over lackluster readership. I know I've spent the better part of the past five years searching for mine. Some say the market is flooded - too many books to go around. While there are millions of titles to choose from, I don't buy the explanation that readers have too many options. Don't believe me? The next time you're at the grocery store, take a look at the condiment aisle. I bet you'll find at least two dozen varieties of barbeque sauce - and those are just the ones that make it onto the shelf. People like variety, and while the majority of shoppers might toss a bottle of Kraft into their cart, there are always those folks who'll take home Stubb's or Sweet Baby Ray's. It's the same with books. There's an audience for everything - the key is how to tap into it.
Now, I'll admit, I'm not very good with puzzles (jigsaws aside). My brain has difficulty fitting together moving pieces, especially when they shape-shift halfway through the process. I'm referring, of course, to the ever-changing book market. What's hot one day is ice-cold the next. Sales platforms continually update the hows and whys and what fors, and for someone who, thirty years ago, barely squeaked by their college-level economics class with a passing grade, I find the entire undertaking a mystery. Sadly, as my opening sentence illustrates, I'm not alone.
I've put a lot of thought into what I want out of this career. Riches and fame aside - just kidding...well, only a little - I want to entertain; provide readers with a few hours of enjoyment and escapism. But what I really want is for them to take a chance on me. That unknown author who no one is talking about that wrote the book no one is reading. My book.
So the following is dedicated to all of the authors out there who feel the same way.
An Author’s Anthem
You may not know me, but I am not unknown.
Though my covers don’t grace your Kindle
And my characters remain unmet;
My words unread;
My stories are not less.
Days, weeks, months;
Years of emotion and sacrifice are
Inked across each page,
New worlds waiting to be discovered
Anticipating exploration by curious minds.
I understand; my reviews don’t number 100, or 50, or 10;
Not necessarily a reflection of quality,
Nevertheless, you’re wary of investing money and time
Into works unfamiliar.
What you don't realize is I’ve invested much more than that.
Time away from family and friends,
Lack of sleep, of proper nutrition, of sanity.
Of believing I can succeed when portents around me suggest otherwise.
My heart and soul are etched into each word; each paragraph;
Each story.
I write of happiness and despair; second chances and renewal.
Of failure and hope and excitement and expectation.
Life abounds between the pages.
My life – your life.
THIS is why you should know me.
Time to take a chance on something new...