Thursday, January 2, 2020

My Definition of Success

According to multiple dictionary sources, Success is defined as:

a) the accomplishment of one's goals; 
b) the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence; or 
c) a person or thing that has had success, as measured by attainment of goals, wealth, etc.  

In my opinion, there should be an option d).  None of the above.

I realized not too long ago that, up until this point, I've been applying the word 'success' to my life all wrong; focusing on the goal part of option A instead of the accomplishment part.  You see, my goal when it comes to my career is to earn a comfortable income.  Hitting a list isn't necessary (though I wouldn't turn it down if it happened), but supporting our household, taking the weight off of my husband's shoulders, that's my idea of success.  And I've yet to reach that point.

So, in the face of utter despair, I began to reevaluate. 

The way I view my life is subjective.  The whole 'glass half full/empty' thing.  I can choose to feel unsuccessful because my monthly royalties wouldn't cover the cost of our electric bill, or I can look at what I've accomplished in the past six years.  Sixteen books published.  A podcast with increasing listenership.  Connections in the literary world and friendships that'll last a lifetime.  If that's not the definition of Success (yes, I capitalized it.  It deserves to be, don't you think?) I don't know what is. 

It'd be easy to get bogged down by what I haven't done, or all of the things I'm not, or the attempts I've made that have failed, or the goals I've yet to reach...

but I'd rather not.

Instead, today and every day to come, I'll proudly shout from the rooftops, "I'm a success!"  For taking chances; for not giving up when the answer is "no"; for finding ways around obstacles that threaten to deter me.  For digging myself out from under the myriad of negative garbage that I toss at myself on a regular basis.   For not believing my inner voice when it tells me I'm not good enough.  For every single accomplishment I've made up until this point.  

That is the definition of success in my dictionary!